This was what she looked like when she came to our home on 22/11/04. A vagrant look! Indeed, she was, abandoned without food for a long time. Who would want to do this to a little dog who was so good a nature. Jin did not show any signs of pain...., not even a smallest sound to show her discomfort during her last few hours especially when I was holding her in my arms the night before. Jin was a brave girl! She did not cry at all.

Jin went to the groomer the following day to have a good scrub. Her ears were so dirty, all black wax. We believed she was not taken care of for a long long time by her owner before finally being abandoned.

A pitiful picture to remain us of Jin who had gone through alot of suffering before coming to our home. Skin and bones. The night I took her in, I brought her to the vet and was told to fatten her up before deciding what to do next. Saw her right hind leg? Jin cannot stand straight due to this leg problem which the vet cannot diagnosed. Only possibility was that she was pinned by her mother when she was a baby and her leg was in some way deformed. No conclusive answer.
Jin had left us one month plus. Am still thinking of her especially when I come home and in the night when I go to bed. But I have good news to those of you who had followed her story. Whenever I thought of Jin, my version is a very clear picture of a large green field and Jin was either running or sitting down. At times I would see the figure of Buddha walking and Jin besides. This could be so because we were telling Jin " to go to the Land of the Buddhas and be happy to go walk walk everyday" during her last day with us. Walk-walk was Jin's favorite word which means she would be going out of the house for her daily walk or to go travelling in daddy's car, maybe to grandparents home.